Monday, May 16, 2016

Towards a universal Jamahiriya, a democratic government of the People!

"Gaddafi was killed because he, and a few other African leaders were planning to start the 1st Central Bank of Africa. If this was successful,.... The African dollar would have been backed by its own natural resources which would have made it the most wealthy continent on earth. This was revolution. .....This is why he had to go."

If the Jamahiriya is a democratic government of the People, why is Gaddafi considered a dictator?Gaddafi was not a dictator as he was not officially vested with the powers of a President, but he was regarded as an arbitrator for the People of the Jamahiriya, almost like a "People's Dictator".
The concept of Dictator is foreign to most ears living in a monopolist democracy, because the monopolists control the media to such a degree, the captive audience is not allowed to be educated about the racially-based economic dictatorship which governs them. The idea of a President being personally involved in the governing of the people is the idea of dictatorship, and this idea governs the USA, for example, where the President is the Monopolist’s Dictator for their regime and policies.
In a pluri-national jurisdiction, imposed on the People by the United Nations, minority and the majority nations must co-exist, and not lose control to devolve into tribal warfare. The idea of the Jamahiriya must be protected as the Will of all People, so an executive council of nations, presided over by a "People’s Dictator", is necessary to decree protection for all people, especially women and workers of races not of the majority race within the jurisdiction being governed. Whereas the mandate of democracy (Jamahiriya) is protected by the executive council of nations, it is the "People’s Dictator" who acts as an arbitrator for the nations, who acts only in the interest of the Jamahiriya (the people), and not any nation.

Socialism is the decree that the wealth is in the hands of the people, and not individual monopolists. Therefore, to prevent the creation of a deformed caste of bureaucrats with self-congratulatory salaries, socialism gives the Jamahiriya as many professions, programs, and pensions as possible, all giving the majority of the People a portion of the economic wealth, tax-free, so that all communities take part in enjoying the fruits of the Jamahiriya. Professions such as education, medical, civil construction are all mandated to have salaries that approach or exceed government bureaucrat, and ventures of energy production which reap profits fund educational facilities of a caliber to promote the professions of the People.

USA's Torture Regime [link]
In the USA, the critics of the Jamahiriya of Libya are mainly “conservatives” who support a “law and order” torture regime in the private and public prisons across the USA, targeting the New African and indigenous people, and other captive nations, especially the lumpen and lower-income workers.
The critics sole source of criticism that the Jamahiriya was a tyranny is based on stories of torture in prisons.
However, compare [] [] and domestic torture regimes in civilian prison within the USA to reports about torture chambers of old Libya.
Another example are the so-called “Black Prisons” of the USA’s security agencies, including the CIA and DIA, which are privately funded torture chambers, employed as mercenaries and operating in foreign jurisdictions. The worst stories about any torture regime in Libya before the fascist takeover, were of the “Black Prisons” of the CIA. []

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Jamahiriya Plan for Economic Liberation of Africa

"Libya is an African country. May Allah help the Arabs and keep them away from us. We don't want anything to do with them. They did not fight with us against the Italians, and they did not fight with us against the Americans. They did not lift the sanctions and siege from us. On the contrary, they gloated at us, and benefited from our hardship…" - Muammar Gaddafi, interview with Al Jazeera (27 March 2007)

"Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'?"
2011-05-05 from "Russia Today" []:
More speculation has been raised on the reasons for NATO's intervention in Libya. As RT's Laura Emmett reports, the organisation may have been trying to prevent Gaddafi from burying the American buck.

"The Gold Dinar: Saving the world economy from Gaddafi"
2011-05-05 from "Russia Today" []:
Some believe it is about protecting civilians, others say it is about oil, but some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi’s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.
“It’s one of these things that you have to plan almost in secret, because as soon as you say you’re going to change over from the dollar to something else, you’re going to be targeted,” says Ministry of Peace founder Dr James Thring. “There were two conferences on this, in 1986 and 2000, organized by Gaddafi. Everybody was interested, most countries in Africa were keen.”
Gaddafi did not give up. In the months leading up to the military intervention, he called on African and Muslim nations to join together to create this new currency that would rival the dollar and euro. They would sell oil and other resources around the world only for gold dinars.
It is an idea that would shift the economic balance of the world.
A country’s wealth would depend on how much gold it had and not how many dollars it traded. And Libya has 144 tons of gold. The UK, for example, has twice as much, but ten times the population.
“If Gaddafi had an intent to try to re-price his oil or whatever else the country was selling on the global market and accept something else as a currency or maybe launch a gold dinar currency, any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world’s central banks,” says Anthony Wile, founder and chief editor of the Daily Bell.
“So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward from moving him from power.”
And it has happened before.
In 2000, Saddam Hussein announced Iraqi oil would be traded in euros, not dollars. Some say sanctions and an invasion followed because the Americans were desperate to prevent OPEC from transferring oil trading in all its member countries to the euro.
A gold dinar would have had serious consequences for the world financial system, but may also have empowered the people of Africa, something black activists say the US wants to avoid at all costs.
“The US have denied self-determination to Africans inside the US, so we are not surprised by anything the US would do to hinder the self-determination of Africans on the continent,” says Cynthia Ann McKinney, a former US Congresswoman.
The UK’s gold is kept in a secure vault somewhere in the depths of the Bank of England. As in most developed countries, there is not enough to go around.
But that is not the case in countries like Libya and many of the Gulf States.
A gold dinar would have given oil-rich African and Middle Eastern countries the power to turn around to their energy-hungry customers and say:  “Sorry, the price has gone up, and we want gold.”
Some say the US and its NATO allies literally could not afford to let that happen.

Monday, June 9, 2014

"Remind Me Again Where Capitalism Is Working"

Steven Argue of the Revolutionary Tendency:
There are currently 1,750,000 homeless people in the USA today. Poverty and hunger are rampant in the U.S., one of the richest countries in the world which breaks other countries records by holding over two million of its citizens in prison.
In Libya, before imperialist intervention in support of genocidal religious extremists, the Libyan government provided free housing, healthcare, and education to its people. As a result, Libya had a far higher life expectancy than U.S. allies in Africa. It was not to get rid of dictatorship that the U.S. overthrew Qaddafi in Libya. This fact is obvious when one looks at the firm the U.S. gives to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia, the most oppressive dictatorship in the world. No, Qaddafi was put into the cross-hairs of the U.S. imperialists because he spent oil money on the people, diverting oil profits from the pockets of the world's oil capitalists towards human needs. For the same reason the U.S. is actively carrying out an operation to overthrow the elected government of Venezuela.
There is plenty of housing in the United States, but it will take the nationalization of the banks to free up empty housing from the hands of the blood sucking capitalist banks and give to the poor who need it. Likewise, it will take a proletarian socialist revolution in the United States to end U.S. imperialist terror against the people of the world.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The war against the Jamahiriya of Libya was a war for private monopoly

"A New Age of Hydro-Imperialism: US Water Wars in the Middle East"
2014-05-27 by Garikai Chengu, a scholar at Harvard University, for "Counter Punch" []:
Water is to the twenty-first century what oil was to the twentieth century: the commodity that determines the wealth and stability of nations.
People who think that the West’s interventions in Iraq, Libya and Syria are only about oil are mistaken. Broadly speaking, Western interest in the Middle East is becoming increasingly about a commodity more precious than oil, namely water.
According to the U.S.-based Center for Public Integrity, Western nations stand to make up to a US$1 trillion from privatizing, purifying and distributing water in a region where water often sells for far more than oil.
Although over two thirds of our planet is water, we face an acute shortage. This scarcity flies in the face of our natural assumptions. The problem is that 97 percent is salt water. Great for fish, not so good for humans. Of the world’s fresh water, only one percent is available for drinking, with the remaining two percent trapped in glaciers and ice.
Put differently: if all the water on earth was represented by an 11-litre jug, the freshwater would fill a single cup, and we can only access the last drop.
Nature has decreed that the supply of water is fixed; all the while, demand is rising as the world’s population increases and enriches itself. By 2030, climate change, population growth, pollution and urbanization will compound, such that the demand for water globally is estimated to outstrip supply by forty percent.
Increasingly, for water to be useful, it needs to be mined, processed, packaged, and transported, just like gold, coal, gas or oil. Unlike oil, there are no substitutes, alternatives or stopgaps for water.
There have been three waves of resource-driven imperialism in the modern era.
A quest for gold fueled the first wave. Old-fashioned colonialists, regal and unembarrassed, rode in on horseback, brutally took control of American territories, sent in ostrich-plumed governors, minted coins with the Queen’s head on them, and gazed proudly over natives toiling away in perilous mine-shafts. An unprecedented kidnapping of millions of Africans ensued, so as to replace the indigenous Americans that had initially been exterminated by their European conquerors. This coincided with white pioneers brutally conquering Southern Africa, also in search of gold.
The second wave of imperialism has been driven by an unquenchable, post-industrial thirst for oil.
Modern petro-imperialism, the key aspect of which is the U.S. military’s transformation into a global oil-protection armed force, puts up a democratic facade, emphasizes freedom of the seas (or pipeline routes), and seeks to secure, protect, drill, and ship oil, not to administer everyday affairs. Nevertheless, the means by which the U.S. is centering its foreign policy around oil is hardly new in spirit, albeit unprecedented in scope.
The third wave of imperialist wars is currently being fought over nature’s most valuable commodity: water. Prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, CIA analysts reported on a prediction of a new theater of war: hydrological warfare, “in which rivers, lakes and aquifers become national security assets to be fought over, or controlled”. These predictions became realized in quick succession, beginning with the recent wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria. It is now clear that the age of hydro-imperialism is upon us.
On April 17, 2003, in Iraq, the American company Bechtel received a no-bid reconstruction contract from U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for US$100 billion; thus, making it the largest Iraq reconstruction contract. Therefore, the most lucrative Iraq reconstruction contract was not used to repair oil facilities, build schools and hospitals, or to repair bombarded infrastructure: it was used to source, process, and distribute water.
The secretive, opaque and no-bid nature of the water contract award process is made even worse by one incredible fact. Bechtel has botched many of its previous projects.
In California, Bechtel installed one of the nuclear power plant reactors backwards. In Boston, what promised to be a US$2.5 billion job for an infamous “Big Dig” project became the most expensive in U.S. history costing US$14.6 billion. The tunnel project was plagued by charges of poor execution, corruption, criminal arrests, and even four deaths.
In Bolivia, Bechtel’s record is one of privatizing water by inflating prices by 35 percent.  The inflation caused public riots, in which several people died. Bechtel was ousted from the country and tried to sue the Bolivian government for canceling their contract.
Since the turn of the century, Iraq was the first casualty of hydro-imperialism, and Colonel Gaddafi’s assassination marked the second. Libya sits atop a natural resource more valuable than oil: the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer, which is a vast underground reserve of fresh water, estimated to be the largest in the world. Mr. Gaddafi had invested $25 billion into the aquifer, which had the potential to turn a country that is 95 percent desert into an arable oasis. As it now stands, France’s global mega-water companies: Suez, Ondeo, and Saur, control almost half of the world’s $400 billion water market. They are poised to rake in billions of dollars from Libya’s eighth wonder of the world.
Mr. Gaddafi had intended the scheme to be designed by Libyans, constructed by Libyans, for the benefit of the Libyan population. Now it is being redesigned by Frenchmen and women at inflated costs, constructed by French contractors, largely for the benefit of French shareholders. Libyan taxpayers will undoubtably be stuck with the bill and higher water bills.
The most recent case of hydro-imperialism is the war in Syria. Israel has been leading a Western campaign to support Syrian rebels; in part, because its leaders assert that the Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, poses an existential threat to Israel on the issue of water. Mr. Assad has vowed to reclaim the Golan Heights – a strip of land that Israel captured from Syria in the Six Day War of 1967. The Golan Heights provides a staggering 40 percent of Israel’s fresh water.
“Syrian control of half of our water poses more of a threat than Iran with one bomb”, once remarked ex-Israeli intelligence head, Meir Dagan.
Mr. Assad has also been reticent to privatize the water industry and expose the population to predatory pricing, thereby preventing the West from tapping into a multi-billion dollar revenue stream.
Mr. Assad`s refusal to play ball on water privatization and his choice to play hardball over the Golan Heights meant that the Syrian President, like Mr. Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi before him, is an obstacle to the West`s hydro-imperialist agenda.
Control of nature`s most precious and increasingly valuable commodity will, for any nation, spell the difference between greatness and decline. Mr. Hussein, Colonel Gaddafi and a defiant Mr. Assad know that all too well.

Friday, April 22, 2011

"What you don't know about the Libyan crisis"

posted 2011-04-22 by "BelovedLIBYA" channel [], to []:
This short movie shows the facts about those rebels who described by some as "freedom fighters". Libya is planned to be Iraq 2, but instead of WMD... this time it's "protecting civilian". Libya is for Libyans... and those who say Gaddafi must go... guess what? Most of Libya wants him to stay! After all, he is definitely better than a new Karzai!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mu'ummar Qaddafi's final message to the world

Recollections of My Life: Col. Mu'ummar Qaddafi, The Leader of the Revolution. April 5, 2011.
Translated by Professor Sam Hamod, Ph.D.
Archived at []: 

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful...

For 40 years, or was it longer, I can't remember, I did all I could to give people houses, hospitals, schools, and when they were hungry, I gave them food. I even made Benghazi into farmland from the desert, I stood up to attacks from that cowboy Reagan, when he killed my adopted orphaned daughter, he was trying to kill me, instead he killed that poor innocent child. Then I helped my brothers and sisters from Africa with money for the African Union.

I did all I could to help people understand the concept of real democracy, where people's committees ran our country. But that was never enough, as some told me, even people who had 10 room homes, new suits and furniture, were never satisfied, as selfish as they were they wanted more. They told Americans and other visitors, that they needed "democracy" and "freedom" never realizing it was a cut throat system, where the biggest dog eats the rest, but they were enchanted with those words, never realizing that in America, there was no free medicine, no free hospitals, no free housing, no free education and no free food, except when people had to beg or go to long lines to get soup.

No, no matter what I did, it was never enough for some, but for others, they knew I was the son of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the only true Arab and Muslim leader we've had since Salah-al-Deen, when he claimed the Suez Canal for his people, as I claimed Libya, for my people, it was his footsteps I tried to follow, to keep my people free from colonial domination - from thieves who would steal from us.

Now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history, my little African son, Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery, called "capitalism," but all of us in the Third World know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer. So, there is no alternative for me, I must make my stand, and if Allah wishes, I shall die by following His path, the path that has made our country rich with farmland, with food and health, and even allowed us to help our African and Arab brothers and sisters to work here with us, in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

I do not wish to die, but if it comes to that, to save this land, my people, all the thousands who are all my children, then so be it.

Let this testament be my voice to the world, that I stood up to crusader attacks of NATO, stood up to cruelty, stood up to betrayal, stood up to the West and its colonialist ambitions, and that I stood with my African brothers, my true Arab and Muslim brothers, as a beacon of light. When others were building castles, I lived in a modest house, and in a tent. I never forgot my youth in Sirte, I did not spend our national treasury foolishly, and like Salah-al-Deen, our great Muslim leader, who rescued Jerusalem for Islam, I took little for myself...

In the West, some have called me "mad", "crazy", but they know the truth yet continue to lie, they know that our land is independent and free, not in the colonial grip, that my vision, my path, is, and has been clear and for my people and that I will fight to my last breath to keep us free, may Allah almighty help us to remain faithful and free.